Make a simple website that will resounage with your audience and inpsirement to take action.
Watch lessonTo start, using the template, Will helps us work out the two most important features of a new website: the premise (What one thing is this website about? and the audience (Who are they, where do they hang out and what do they care about?)
Next we need to plan our 'call to action' - what is the one thing we want people to DO after reading the site, as well as starting to map out the imagery we are going to use.
Testing is an important part of all website design, even for a site as small as this. Will takes us through how to quickly understand if our website is communicating how we want.
Finally, now that we're confident on the messaging of the site, it's time to get stuck into building out the actual site.
In this lesson, Will trys out squarespace as a possible platform to make his one-page site.
Will also tries out strikingly to make his site.
Pixel together is another possible website platform.
or just Google it, there's a ton of these things out there and they are always making more!
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