Test out a new website or web project by finding and working with your real customers to create an experience that's designed for them.
Watch lessonIn order to properly test users, we need to start by setting some real scenarios we'd want our real users to try and complete.
Will takes you through how this works using the lesson example.
Now that we have some scenarios, it's time to organise some people and some tests. Mel shares best practices for finding some real users to test with, and getting them ready to test.
Will takes you through how this works using the lesson example.
Next, we can run our testing sessions. In order to make sure the test yield useful results, Mel shows you how to run the test.
Will takes you through how this works using the lesson example.
Now that we have some results from our sessions, we can sort them into useful information. Mel shows how to make some sense of the sessions.
Will takes you through how this works using the lesson example.
Finally, we can make some changes to our website. Making use of the information we got from our sessions, we can be sure that our changes will make sense to our users.
Will takes you through how this works using the lesson example.
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