Design an intervention that will have lasting impact at scale.
Watch lessonBlank template of the Design iteration form.
Completed example DIF using the Inyenyeri Clean cookstove idea. This was created by Kevin Starr.
Completed example DIF using the Inyenyeri Clean cookstove idea. This was created by Ross, a member of the Inyenyeri team.
To start, Kevin helps us nail our 'mission': The seven word statement that defines what we're trying to accomplish and what success looks like.
Next, we define the big idea (What we will do to make this happen) and outcome (What we will measure to prove it works).
Now we can start to create a behavior map: what are all the behaviour that need to happen, in order, to get from what people are doing now, to the change we want them to have.
In order for people to change their behaviours we need to do something to make that happen. At each stage of the behaviour map, what is the thing that you are going to do?
Now, we need to turn that list of behaviours and interventions into a model: what is the mechanism we can create and scale up?
Once we have a model, we are going to need two things: a Doer (Who will do the work?) and a Payer (who will pay for it to happen?)
Finally, we need to do a scalibility check: these are three questions to make sure we can actually scale the model we have, with the payer and doer: Is it relevant enough, is it simple enough and is it cheap enough?
Great series of articles from Kevin Starr on social innovation over at the SSI. Read everything, you won’t regret it.
Great talk from Kevin at PopTech on lasting impact. Runtime 18:04
Kevin on designing for happiness at the 2015 Skoll World Forum. Runtime 1:19:51
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