Empathy Mapping with Caitlyn Cook and Kristina Aagaard

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Learn about your user's experiences using this simple user testing framework.

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~10 minutes over 4 videos

About 1 hours of work to do it solo

Wuwundjeri land, Kulin nation

tag: digital tag: user experience tag: website

Resources Lesson Further reading

Lesson resources

1 Find a user.

If you're going to run a user test, you're going to need a user. Caitlyn helps you work our what sort of user you're in need of, and how to find them.

2 Mapping sessions.

Now we have someone, it's important to run the mapping session in a way that ensures you're able to get the information you need.

3 Ideal state map.

You've run a session! Congratulations, it's now time to use what you've learnt. Caitlyn helps you create an ideal state map - This helps you understand what your users are actaully after.

4 Different perspectives.

Finally, now that you've done the test once, it's time to get more users and create more maps. The key to empathy mapping is making sure you're learning a lot from many different users and their experiences.

Further reading

Teaching guide

If you’re a teacher who’s teaching lean, Will shares a few ideas from how we uses it with his class.

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