Business model canvas for non-profits with Issac Jeffries

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Use a Business Model Canvas to think about your nonprofit like a business, to start stragizing your move towards social enterprise.

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~1 hour over 10 videos

About 1 hours of work to do it solo

Wuwundjeri land, Kulin nation

tag: business tag: money tag: planning

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1 Unique value proposition.

Issac groups the 9 boxes of the business model canvas into 3 lenses. We start with thinking about the first lens desirability: What makes your organisation desirable to prospective doners and customers. This first box we table is UVP: What is unique and valuable that your org provides?

2 Customer Segments.

Next in the desirability lens is customer segments: What are the groups of people, customers, that are willing to give you money, and what important to them.

3 Customer relationships.

The third box within the desirability lens: Customer relationships. Now we have a good idea who our customer is, the question now is 'How do we engage with them?'

4 Channels.

Finally for the desirability lens: Channels. Which existing channel to customers do you already have, and how can you manage it better?

5 Key resources.

Now we start the second lens: Feasibility. This lens is about the operations of your org and how the magic is made. We start with the box on the canvas 'Key resources': What the main resources you have at your disposal for the org?

6 Key activities.

Next for feasability: Key activities. What are the main operations that your org does, day to day?

7 Key partners.

Finally for feasability: Key partners. Partners are people who take things off our plate, it's important that we make sure to work with partners as our own resources will always be limited.

8 Costs

The final lens is Viability: The finances of your organisation. We start with the costs box: What are the main areas of costs for the organisation.

9 Revenue.

The final box on the canvas: Revenue. What are the relable and repeatable streams of revenue that you can access for your organisation? How much and how often do people donate?

10 Innovating with your canvs.

Finally, your canvas is done. Now is the time to step back, go for a walk around the block. Once you've refreshed yourself it's time to put the canvas to work. Issac takes you through a few ways you can use this completed canvas to begin to innovate within your organisation.

Social enterprise cafe example canvas.

Issac takes you through a completed canvas start to finish, thinking through how a social enterprise cafe could work using the canvas.

Further reading

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