The tools, methods and practices for one of the world's most popular project management workflows: Agile.
Watch lessonA quick recap of the important Agile rituals, and how to run them.
A fictional example online kanban board showing the tasks needed to create a website for a charity helping reunite refugee families.
A second example project using Trello, this time for planning a charity event.
To start, Clare introduces us to the rituals associatoed with planning a good agile project. The prep work is required to make sure the rest of the project runs smoothly
Participants: Include your entire project team.
Time: As long as it takes to properly scope the project.
Once your project is up and running, clare teaches you two important things to get your week started: how to make a Kanban board, and how to plan a week of work.
Participants: Your project team.
Time: 1 hour.
Each day, the entire team gets together to QUICKLY share what they’re working on and what help they need.
Participants: Entire team.
Time: 10 minutes.
In order to have a sense of momentum, the team shares the work they’ve done during the week, and spends some time discussing how to get better next week.
Participants: Entire team.
Time: 2 hours.
Finally, now that you have the basic tools and rituals needed to try your first Agile project. The only thing left to do is get started. Clare shares some tips on helping you get going fast.
An article explaining how the project management triangle works, as Clare references in ‘Scoping the project’
The original explanation of the principles behind Agile, from the creators of agile.
The Ultimate book guide to working Agile if you’re excited to dive deep.
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